bnclassify usage


The bnclassify package implements state-of-the-art algorithms for learning discrete Bayesian network classifiers from data, as well as functions for using these classifiers for prediction, assessing their predictive performance, and inspecting and analyzing their properties. This vignette gives /. Other resources provide additional information:

  • vignette("overview", package="bnclassify") provides /.
  • ?bnclassify provides a /.
  • vignette("methods", package="bnclassify") provides /.


Throughout the vignette we will use the car evaluation data set. It has six discrete features, describing car properties such as buying price or the number of doors, and 1728 instances assigned to four different classes (unacc, acc, good, vgood). See ?car for more details.

#> [1] 1728    7
#>   buying maint doors persons lug_boot safety class
#> 1  vhigh vhigh     2       2    small    low unacc
#> 2  vhigh vhigh     2       2    small    med unacc
#> 3  vhigh vhigh     2       2    small   high unacc
#> 4  vhigh vhigh     2       2      med    low unacc
#> 5  vhigh vhigh     2       2      med    med unacc
#> 6  vhigh vhigh     2       2      med   high unacc


Using bnclassify generally consists of four steps:

  1. Learning network structure
  2. Learning network parameters
  3. Evaluating the model
  4. Predicting with the model

In between those steps, you may also want to inspect the model’s properties.

Below is an example of the four steps done in four lines.

nb <- nb('class', car) # Learn a naive Bayes structure 
nb <- lp(nb, car, smooth = 1) # Learn parameters
cv(nb, car, k = 10) # 10-fold Cross-validation estimate of accuracy
#> [1] 0.8576045
head(predict(nb, car)) # Classify the entire data set
#> [1] unacc unacc unacc unacc unacc unacc
#> Levels: unacc acc good vgood

While there are multiple alternatives to nb for the first step, you are most likely to use lp, cv, and predict for steps 2-4. We will elaborate on all four steps throughout the rest of the vignette.

Network structure


provides one function per each structure learning algorithm that it implements. Grouped according to algorithm type (see vignette("bnclassify-technical")), these are:

Naive Bayes:

  • nb


  • tan_cl

Greedy wrapper:

  • tan_hc
  • tan_hcsp
  • fssj
  • bsej

They all receive the name of the class variable and the data set as their first two arguments, followed by optional arguments.

The following learns three different structures with three different algorithms.

# Naive Bayes
nb <- nb('class', car)
# ODE Chow-Liu with AIC score (penalized log-likelihood)
ode_cl_aic <- tan_cl('class', car, score = 'aic')
# Semi-naive Bayes with forward sequential selection and joining (FSSJ) and 
# 5-fold cross-validation
fssj <- fssj('class', car, k = 5, epsilon = 0)  

For details on the learning algorithms, see the corresponding functions (e.g., ?tan_cl) and vignette("bnclassify-technical").


The above nb, ode_cl_aic, and fssj are objects of class bnc_dag. There are a number of functions that you can perform on such objects.

Printing the object to console outputs basic information on structure:

#>   Bayesian network classifier (only structure, no parameters)
#>   class variable:        class 
#>   num. features:   6 
#>   num. arcs:   9 
#>   learning algorithm:    tan_cl

The above tells that the ode_cl_aic object is a network structure without any parameters, the name of the class variables is “class”, it has six feature nodes and nine arcs, and it was learned with the tan_cl function.

Plotting network structure can reveal probabilistic relationships among the variables:


If the network is not displaying properly, e.g., with node names overlapping in large networks, you may try different layout types and font sizes (see ?plot.bnc_dag).

plot(ode_cl_aic, layoutType = 'twopi', fontsize = 15)

An alternative to plotting, useful when the graph is large, is to query for the families that compose the structure (a family of a node is itself plus its parents in the graph).

#> $buying
#> [1] "buying" "class" 
#> $maint
#> [1] "maint"  "buying" "class" 
#> $doors
#> [1] "doors" "class"
#> $persons
#> [1] "persons" "class"  
#> $lug_boot
#> [1] "lug_boot" "safety"   "class"   
#> $safety
#> [1] "safety"  "persons" "class"  
#> $class
#> [1] "class"

narcs gives the number of arcs in a structure.

#> [1] 6

Functions such as is_ode, is_nb, or id_semi query the type of structure. For example:

#> [1] TRUE
#> [1] FALSE

For more functions to query a network structure, see ?inspect_bnc_dag.

Network parameters


bnclassify provides three parameter estimation methods, all implemented with the lp function.

  • Bayesian and maximum likelihood estimation
  • AWNB
  • MANB

lp which takes the network structure and the dataset from which to learn parameters as its first two arguments.

To get Bayesian parameter estimates assuming a Dirichlet prior, provide a positive argument to .

nb <- lp(nb, car, smooth = 0.01)

For AWNB or MANB parameter estimation, provide the appropriate arguments to , in addition to smooth.

awnb <- lp(nb, car, smooth = 0.01, awnb_trees = 10, awnb_bootstrap = 0.5)
manb <- lp(nb, car, smooth = 0.01, manb_prior = 0.5)

The bnc function is shorthand for learning both structure and parameters in a single step. Provide the name of the structure learning algorithm, as a character, and its optional arguments in dag_args.

ode_cl_aic <- bnc('tan_cl', 'class', car, smooth = 1, dag_args = list(score = 'aic'))


lp and bnc return objects of class bnc_bn, which are fully specified Bayesian network classifiers (i.e., with both structure and parameters).

Printing the ode_cl_aic object now also shows how many free parameters there are in the model (131).

#>   Bayesian network classifier
#>   class variable:        class 
#>   num. features:   6 
#>   num. arcs:   9 
#>   free parameters:   131 
#>   learning algorithm:    tan_cl

params lets you access the conditional probability tables (CPTs). For example, the CPT of the buying feature in nb is:

#>        class
#> buying         unacc          acc         good        vgood
#>   low   0.2132243562 0.2317727320 0.6664252607 0.5997847478
#>   med   0.2214885458 0.2994740131 0.3332850521 0.3999077491
#>   high  0.2677680077 0.2812467451 0.0001448436 0.0001537515
#>   vhigh 0.2975190903 0.1875065097 0.0001448436 0.0001537515

nparams gives the number of parameters of the classifier.

#> [1] 63

For more functions for querying a bnc_bn object, see ?inspect_bnc_bn

Interface to bnlearn, gRain, and graph

You can convert a bnc_bn object to bnlearn (Scutari 2010), gRain (Højsgaard 2012) and graph (Gentleman et al. 2015) objects to leverage functionalities from those packages, such as Bayesian network querying or inference.


  • as_igraph for graph
  • as_grain for gRain

For bnlearn, first convert to gRain and then convert the gRain object to a bnlearn one (see bnlearn docs for how to do this).

The following uses gRain to ge the marginal probability of the buying feature: (NOTE: not currently working due to recent changes in the gRain package)

a <- lp(nb('class', car), car, smooth = 1)
g <- as_grain(a)
#> buying
#>       low       med      high     vhigh 
#> 0.2488415 0.2495832 0.2507330 0.2508423

Selecting features

Some structure and parameter learning methods perform feature selection:

  • fssj and bsej : embedded wrapper
  • MANB: Bayesian model averaging
  • AWNB: weighting

fssj and bsej perform feature selection while learning structure. On the car evaluation data they both select all features.

#> [1] 5
bsej <- bsej('class', car, k = 5, epsilon = 0)  
#> [1] 6

MANB has computed zero posterior probability for the arc from class to doors and 100% probability for arcs to the other features.

#>       buying        maint        doors      persons     lug_boot       safety 
#> 1.000000e+00 1.000000e+00 3.937961e-20 1.000000e+00 9.980275e-01 1.000000e+00

This means that it has effectively omitted doors from the model, rendering it independent from the class.

#>        class
#> doors   unacc  acc good vgood
#>   2      0.25 0.25 0.25  0.25
#>   3      0.25 0.25 0.25  0.25
#>   4      0.25 0.25 0.25  0.25
#>   5more  0.25 0.25 0.25  0.25

It has left the other features’ parameters unaltered.

all.equal(params(manb)$buying, params(nb)$buying)
#> [1] TRUE

The AWNB method has decreased the effect of each feature on the class posterior, especially doors, lug_boot, and maint, also modifying their local distributions towards independence from the class.

#>    buying     maint     doors   persons  lug_boot    safety 
#> 0.5773503 0.5000000 0.3931064 0.8535534 0.4355240 0.8535534

External feature selection

You can use R packages such as mlr (Bischl et al. 2015) or caret (Kuhn 2008) to select features prior to learning a classifier with bnclassify. See Section for how to do it with mlr.


Network scores

The are three functions for computing penalized log-likelihood network scores of bnc_bn objects.

  • logLik
  • AIC
  • BIC

In addition to the model, provide them the dataset on which to compute the score.

logLik(ode_cl_aic, car)
#> 'log Lik.' -13307.59 (df=131)
AIC(ode_cl_aic, car)
#> [1] -13438.59
BIC(ode_cl_aic, car)
#> [1] -13795.87

Predictive accuracy

accuracy lets you compute the classifier’s predictive accuracy on a given data set. You need to provide the vectors of predicted and true labels.

p <- predict(nb, car)
accuracy(p, car$class)
#> [1] 0.8738426

cv estimates predictive accuracy with stratified cross-validation. Indicate the desired number of folds with k.

cv(ode_cl_aic, car, k = 10)
#> [1] 0.9386636

Each bnc_bn object records the structure and parameter learning methods that were used to produce it. cv just reruns these methods. Hence, the above is the accuracy estimate for tan_cl with the AIC score and Bayesian parameter estimation with smooth = 0.01.

To keep the structure fixed and evaluate just the parameter learning method, set dag = FALSE:

cv(ode_cl_aic, car, k = 10, dag = FALSE)
#> [1] 0.9386636

To get the accuracy for each of the folds, instead of the mean accuracy, set mean = FALSE.

cv(ode_cl_aic, car, k = 10, dag = FALSE, mean = FALSE)
#>         [,1]
#> 1  0.9252874
#> 2  0.9248555
#> 3  0.9534884
#> 4  0.9651163
#> 5  0.9479769
#> 6  0.9479769
#> 7  0.9302326
#> 8  0.9127907
#> 9  0.9306358
#> 10 0.9482759

Finally, to cross-validate multiple classifiers at once pass a list of bnc_bn objects to cv.

accu <- cv(list(nb = nb, ode_cl_aic = ode_cl_aic), car, k = 5, dag = TRUE)
#>         nb ode_cl_aic 
#>  0.8582303  0.9345913


General-purpose machine learning packages such as mlr or caret provide additional options for evaluating a model, including bootstrap resampling and performance measures such as the area under the curve. See Section for how that could be done with mlr.


We can use a bnc_bn object to classify data instances, with predict.

Here we use the naive Bayes to predict the class for our entire data set.

p <- predict(nb, car)
# We use head() to print the first elements of vector p
#> [1] unacc unacc unacc unacc unacc unacc
#> Levels: unacc acc good vgood

You can also get the class posterior probabilities.

pp <- predict(nb, car, prob = TRUE)
#>          unacc          acc         good        vgood
#> [1,] 1.0000000 2.171346e-10 8.267214e-16 3.536615e-19
#> [2,] 0.9999937 6.306269e-06 5.203338e-12 5.706038e-19
#> [3,] 0.9999908 9.211090e-06 5.158884e-12 4.780777e-15
#> [4,] 1.0000000 3.204714e-10 1.084552e-15 1.015375e-15
#> [5,] 0.9999907 9.307467e-06 6.826088e-12 1.638219e-15
#> [6,] 0.9999864 1.359469e-05 6.767760e-12 1.372573e-11


You can compute the (conditional) mutual information between two variables with cmi. Mutual information of maint and buying:

cmi('maint', 'buying', car)
#> [1] 0

Mutual information of maint and buying conditioned to class:

cmi('maint', 'buying', car, 'class')
#> [1] 0.07199921

Complementing bnclassify with mlr

General-purpose machine learning packages, such as mlr and caret, provide many options for feature selection and model evaluation. For example, the provide resampling methods other than cross-validation and performance measures other than accuracy. Here we use mlr to:

  1. Perform and evaluate wrapper feature selection using tan_cl
  2. Estimate the accuracy of tan_cl and random forest

To use a bnc_bn object with mlr, call the as_mlr function.

ode_cl_aic_mlr <- as_mlr(ode_cl_aic, dag = TRUE, id = "ode_cl_aic") 

The obtained ode_cl_aic_mlr behaves like any other classifier supported by mlr.

Wrapper feature selection

Set up sequential forward search with 2-fold cross validation and ode_cl_aic_mlr as the classifier.

# 5-fold cross-validation
rdesc = makeResampleDesc("CV", iters = 2)
# sequential floating forward search
ctrl = makeFeatSelControlSequential(method = "sfs", alpha = 0) 
# Wrap ode_cl_aic_mlr with feature selection
ode_cl_aic_mlr_fs = makeFeatSelWrapper(ode_cl_aic_mlr, resampling = rdesc,
                                      control = ctrl, = FALSE)
t <- makeClassifTask(id = "car", data = car, 
        target = 'class', = "no", = FALSE)

Select features:

# Select features
mod <- train(ode_cl_aic_mlr_fs, task = t) 
sfeats <- getFeatSelResult(mod)

mlr makes it easy to evaluate the predictive performance of the combination of feature selection plus classifier learning. The following estimates accuracy with 2-fold cross-validation:

r = resample(learner = ode_cl_aic_mlr_fs, task = t, 
             resampling = rdesc, = FALSE, measure = mlr::acc)

Comparing to random forest

With mlr you can compare the predictive performance of bnclassify models to those of different classification paradigms, such as random forests.

rf <- makeLearner("classif.randomForest", id = "rf")
classifiers <- list(ode_cl_aic_mlr, rf) 
benchmark(classifiers, t, rdesc, = FALSE, measures = mlr::acc)


Bischl, Bernd, Michel Lang, Jakob Richter, Jakob Bossek, Leonard Judt, Tobias Kuehn, Erich Studerus, and Lars Kotthoff. 2015. Mlr: Machine Learning in r.
Gentleman, R., Elizabeth Whalen, W. Huber, and S. Falcon. 2015. Graph: A Package to Handle Graph Data Structures.
Højsgaard, Søren. 2012. “Graphical Independence Networks with the gRain Package for R.” Journal of Statistical Software 46 (10): 1–26.
Kuhn, Max. 2008. “Building Predictive Models in R Using the caret Package.” Journal of Statistical Software 28 (5): 1–26.
Scutari, Marco. 2010. “Learning Bayesian Networks with the bnlearn R Package.” Journal of Statistical Software 35 (3): 1–22.